We believe that individuals have a right to choose and access outstanding, holistic abortion care. Our independent clinic network is a safe environment, with teams of friendly and kind specialists. We provide our patients with abortion services that also meet their contraception and sexual health needs.
Our NHS and private abortion services include options of:
We have local clinics across the North West, Yorkshire, Midlands, South East and Greater London. Each year our high-quality care reaches thousands across the UK. You can refer yourself for NHS abortion care with us. Appointments to talk about your abortion options (consultations) are available 7 days a week.
Our Values
NUPAS adopts the Care Quality Commission’s definition of the following terms:
People are protected from abuse and avoidable harm. (Abuse can be physical, sexual, mental, or psychological, financial, neglect, institutional or discriminatory abuse).
People’s care, treatment and support achieves good outcomes, promotes a good quality of life and is based on the best available evidence.
The service involves and treats people with compassion, kindness, dignity, and respect.
Services meet people’s needs.
The leadership, management and governance of the organisation assure the delivery of high-quality person-centred care, supports learning and innovation, and promotes an open and fair culture.