Welcoming You to Our Abortion Clinics
We have a dedicated clinic network across the Northwest, Midlands, South East, Greater London and Yorkshire. Most of our clinics are hosted in local health centres, or GP practices. This allows us to provide medical abortions within local community health services.
Our clinic in Bolton, Aylesbury & Stoke offer surgical abortion and medical abortion services. Find out more about our clinic locations.
How much time you spend in the clinic will depend on which abortion procedure you are having. This could be as little as an hour, up to around 7 hours. If we are sending you medical abortion pills in the post, you may not need to come to the clinic at all. We will let you know how long to expect your treatment appointment to last during your consultation.
Visits to our clinics are by appointment only so please call to book your appointment before you arrive. When you book an abortion consultation appointment with us our telephone advisors and clinic teams will support you every step of the way.
Can I Bring Someone With Me to My Abortion Appointment?
You may find that having the support of a family member or a trusted friend will help you through the day. They can accompany you for some of your abortion appointment, but we will need to see you alone at other times. While you have your procedure or treatment, your companion is welcome to sit in the waiting room.
If you are under 16 years old you will need to bring an adult over 18 years old with you for support. We do not have facilities for young children at the clinics. If you have children, please arrange childcare for the day of your appointment. Unfortunately, we may have to rebook your appointment for another day if you bring children to the clinic.
Your Abortion Consultation
Before we offer you abortion treatment you will have a consultation with a clinician. Your consultation can be over the phone, or face-to-face in a clinic.
The clinician (a nurse or midwife) will explain your treatment options and answer any questions you have about the abortion. They will discuss the screening tests we offer for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and your future contraception options.
You will also have a clinical assessment during the consultation.
Your Clinical Assessment
The clinician will ask you about your medical history. It is important that you answer their questions honestly. Please give as much information as you can. They will want to know about any medical conditions you have or medications that you take. This is to make sure treatment will be safe and suitable for you.
If you have been invited to have a clinical assessment at a clinic, we may offer you the following tests and screenings.
Post Abortion Contraception
We can give you information on contraception during your visit to the clinic. If you don’t want to become pregnant it’s important to consider what type of contraception you will use after an abortion. This is because you can still get pregnant after an abortion, with fertility coming back as soon as 5 days later.
Your Consent to Treatment
During your appointment, the clinician will ask you if you understand the abortion procedure.
Our teams will make sure that you are fully aware of what is involved with abortion treatment. We will talk to you about the possible risks and complications. You may want to discuss your decision with your partner, but you don’t have to. You do not need your partner’s consent for an abortion.
If you change your mind about having an abortion just let us know so we can cancel your appointment.
If you tell us something that suggests you or someone else may be at risk of harm, we may have to talk to other professionals to make sure you are safe. We have a duty of care to do this if we feel there is any risk of harm. We will tell you if we need to do this and why.
Consent for Under 18s
You do not need your parent’s consent for an abortion if you are under 18 years old. You have a right to confidentiality. We will not tell your parents or guardian.
We do encourage you to tell a parent or other adult who can support you through this process. This could be a friend, family member, social worker or anyone else over 18 who you trust.
You can agree to the treatment yourself if you understand the procedure, and the possible risks and complications.
More FAQS about Abortion Preparation
No, however you will need to take a pregnancy test at home 3 weeks after your medical abortion. This is to make sure the treatment has worked. We will give you a pregnancy test in your Aftercare Pack. If you have had pills by post we will contact you to check the result, however if the test is positive, please call us for further advice. You may need to have another appointment with us if the test is positive.
Some people will need to have an ultrasound scan before an abortion. We do this to date your pregnancy. The number of weeks you have been pregnant is also known as gestation. Knowing your gestation will help us know what treatment options are available to you.
Sometimes the pregnancy can be too early for us to see with an abdominal (tummy) scan. If this happens, we may need to insert a small ultrasound probe into your vagina for a clearer scan image. We will only do this with your permission. The earliest pregnancy found using scanning equipment is around 4 weeks and 6 days gestation.
For your consultation please have a list of any medicines or inhalers that are prescribed to you.
For your abortion treatment:
- Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing.
- Have a supply of sanitary towels that are suitable for a heavy flow (not tampons).
- Have a supply of pain relief at home, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen, or any regular pain relief medication you would normally use.
- Heat pads or a hot water bottle can also be effective at managing pain.
If you are having a surgical abortion with sedation or general anaesthetic, we will give you instructions on how to prepare for treatment.
Please do not take any solid food from 6 hours before your appointment.
You can drink water up to 2 hours before your appointment.
Please do not smoke, chew gum or suck sweets on the day of your appointment.
We strongly recommend that you do not smoke for 24 hours before and after your surgical abortion.
When visiting our clinic for your surgical abortion appointment you should:
- Bring a dressing gown.
- Wear comfortable and loose clothing.
- Remove any facial and body piercing, makeup and nail varnish.
- Remove contact lenses if you wear them (bring a pair of glasses with you)
We ask that you have a trusted person (over 18) to take you home after your appointment and stay with you for 24 hours.
If you are ill in the 2 days before your surgical abortion, please call us. We may have to rebook your appointment for when you are feeling better.
Get in Touch
Call us to speak to an advisor. Lines are open from 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week.
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If you have any questions you can talk to one of our team on our live webchat. Our advisors are available from 8am - 8pm, 7 days a week.