Abortion in Northern Ireland

Supporting Clients from Across the UK

We support clients from all over the UK to access abortion services. Abortion services are now available in Northern Ireland from many Health and Social Care Trusts.

Where abortion services are not yet available in Northern Ireland, you can access free abortion care in Great Britain.

You will not have to pay for travel and accommodation.

To access these services in Great Britain, visit Abortion services | nidirect for further details on how to book an appointment.

NUPAS Services for Northern Irish Patients

We provide abortions up to 23 weeks and 6 days. Our dedicated service in Bolton is tailored for Northern Irish clients. We can arrange same-day consultation and treatment. This can allow you to travel to our clinic and return home the same day.


Our abortion services for Northern Irish patients include:


If you're from the Republic of Ireland, visit our page for international patients for information on our services:

Funding for Abortions in England

To qualify for free abortion care, you need to:

  • Live in Northern Ireland (with a BT postcode).

You will be asked for these details to get funded treatment. Your GP will not be contacted unless you give permission.

Travel expenses for all abortion care patients will be paid for.

If it's necessary for your care, funding may also be available for:

  • Your overnight accommodation costs.
  • Travel and overnight accommodation costs for a comparison.

We will book a taxi to collect you from Manchester Airport and bring you to the NUPAS Bolton Clinic. We will also book a return taxi to the airport for your flight home. We can give details of airlines and local accommodation if needed.

Travelling from Northern Ireland to England for an Abortion

Hundreds of people from Northern Ireland travel to England for abortions every year. Our Bolton Clinic specialises in care for clients travelling from Northern Ireland.

You can visit any of our other abortion clinics, but we will not be able to arrange a taxi for you or provide travel information as part of the package.

NUPAS abortion services for northern Ireland patients

Four Steps to Visit our Abortion Clinic

There are four simple steps to book your appointment to visit us:

Abortion Aftercare for Northern Irish Patients

Our nurse-led aftercare line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can ask our aftercare team any questions. We are here to support your recovery.

Clients from Northern Ireland can call our aftercare line on: 0333 016 0400

Looking After Your Mental Wellbeing

All emotions that you feel after an abortion are valid and normal.

Travelling to access care can cause additional stress. You can speak to one of our specialist counsellors if you feel like you need to talk. We have counselling appointments available over the phone at a time that suits you.

There is no time limit to ask for counselling after an abortion. If you decide you would like to talk to someone a few months or even years later, we can arrange this for you.

What is the Abortion Law in Northern Ireland?

Abortion in Northern Ireland is legal for any reason up to 12 weeks of pregnancy (gestation).

After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the law in Northern Ireland is like the rest of the UK. This means that abortion care may be available up to 23 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy.

Get in touch with NUPAS

Give us a call:

United Kingdom:
0333 004 6666

Republic of Ireland:
(01) 874 0097

0044 161 4872660

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